Come on in for some hot chocolate and Bailey's truffle fudge! Mmm! It's freezing cold here today! I hope everybody had a great week. I'm starting to enjoy getting ready for the holidays. I start preparing for Christmas right after my birthday (mid-October) because it's my favorite time of year, but it was a little more difficult this year because Maddie was only a month old at that time - so she's still a lot of work every day. So I tried to do at least one little holiday task every day - put up the lights, decorate the tree, bake some cookies, put the decorations up around the house.
Tuesday's Small Thing was by far my favorite - I spent some extra snuggly time with Maddie, which was just wonderful. I had made a comment the night before to Ben, about how I was sort of jealous (not really jealous but...well that's the best word I can think of) because he gets to come home from work and he gets to spend the evening cuddling with her, while my day is generally spent in a whirlwind of cleaning, feedings, diaper changes, playtime...and by the time he gets home she's sleepy and snuggly. But, you know, when I think about it - I'm really lucky to be able to spend (almost) every day with her. I may have other things to take care of during the day, but we have a good amount of snuggle time and play time during the day. I've been able to see her first smile, and her first giggle, and the first time she started "talking" to me. I wouldn't give that up for anything.
We're definitely cutting back this Christmas, with the economy the way it is, and the fact that we're essentially living on one income (I'm only at work one day a week, so it gives us a little extra, but not a whole lot). So I've been making gifts for a lot of people - mostly knitted things (socks, gloves, hats, one special person is getting a sweater), and a couple quilts. For my parents and Ben's parents I took blank calendars and made the pages scrapbook style with pictures of Madelyn's first three months. It's small, but I think it's sentimental - and quite a lot of work to do a total of 24 scrapbook pages in three months! I've also made ornaments for some of our friends. I think the only people getting store bought gifts this year are my immediate family, and they're getting things they really need. The things at Christmas that matter most to me are all non-present-related. I love setting up the tree and decorating it. In years past we've always had friends over for this activity, and we've had cocoa and I've told stories about where all the ornaments are from. This year it was just the three of us, which was still special since it's Madelyn's first Christmas. I love having "Craft Day" before Christmas to work on all the Christmas gifts that need to be finished up - although many times this turns into a bunch of us girls watching Christmas movies, drinking cocoa, and just catching up. And I'm very excited for next year when I think Maddie will be old enough to help bake Christmas cookies, and we can make some ornaments together.
Today Maddie and I are most definitely spending the day inside where it's warm! Ben called a few minutes ago to let me know he had made it to work - in an hour! His office is only about 5 miles down the road! On top of the roads being icy, there are trees down, roads closed, and some cars off the road. Yikes. I took the photo above this morning, up near one of the streams that flows through our property. So I think today looks like a good day to do a little work from home, and then work on some Christmas projects! I hope everybody has a great weekend and stays warm!
OK, I'm impressed that you start in mid-October! I'm usually just putting out fall decorations just before Thanksgiving.
You inspire me!
Hey, I love the Carroty Jr. guy. That is so cute! My kids were criticizing some of our ratty ornaments, but we HAVE to drag them out every year....because we have them every year and it wouldn't be the same without them.
Thanks for the coffee and goodies! Perfect for a cold day!!
I start decorating the day after Thanksgiving...and with a 9 month old, my decorating is dragging out. I did get most of the inside done, but the outside...maybe I'll get to it :)
The picture of the frozen berries was beautiful! I don't like to be out in cold weather, but I do like to snuggle up inside. Thanks for the coffee!
I love the pictures from yesterday's post. Every creature was plumb tuckered out!
Your Christmas sounds a lot like ours. And take it from a grandma, our most prized gifts each year is the calendar that has the grandkids' pictures on it. In fact, we didn't get one last year so I reused the picture pages and tore calendar pages from a generic calendar to tape up and keep the days straight.
May God bless your preparations and the joy you have in the love of and for your family.
Thanks for inviting us over! Your truffles were terrific! Maybe next week you'd post the recipe?! :)
Have a blessed week!
I love Bailey's truffle fudge! YUM! It is freezing cold here in Spokane. It is very slick out today. My son and I were slipping and sliding while walking him to school.
I love getting ready for Christmas. I also do one small thing a day, so I am not overwhelmed, and so I have something to do each day in getting ready for Christmas. I love the shopping, baking, decorating, and crafting. It is a fun time.
You sound like me! I had our tree up before Thanksgiving this year.
Thanks for the coffee and truffles!
I think that Carroty Jr. is going to be around for a very long time. He's now part of the family.
Yes! Cuddling is the best. Although I had no one to cuddle while deployed...I sure thought of all my friends and loved ones. Thank you for sharing how your little one is cuddled daily. If only we cuddled and loved more...
Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to hear more!
Yikes, ice! The picture is beautiful. It has been cold where I live, and daily threats of ice and snow, but nothing yet.
Have a great weekend, and love the homemade gifts idea.
I think that Carroty Jr. is going to be around for a very long time. He's now part of the family.
Yes! Cuddling is the best. Although I had no one to cuddle while deployed...I sure thought of all my friends and loved ones. Thank you for sharing how your little one is cuddled daily. If only we cuddled and loved more...
Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to hear more!
Well, I'm not sure where you live but even where I live, in Ontario, we're not quite that cold yet...close though. Your babe looks just like her daddy...what a cutie!
I LOVE that picture! It just grabs the season. It isn't quite that cold here in Texas yet! I also enjoyed the pictures of everyone zonked out! It make me giggle!
I think the homemade gifts are always the keepers. Thanks for letting us stop by! Stay warm!
Your knit quilt is awesome! I am sure I wouldn't have the patience to make more than 4 of those little pieces. That's why I stick to crocheting scarves. Even then....
Your photo of the frozen branches is great; it looks like it could be straight out of the Audobon Society photographs. :)
I love your picture of the ice on the berries. I know what it is like to downsize for Christmas. We are doing it too. I am working so many hours between the three part-time jobs that this Christmas I am the least prepared that I have ever been.
Spend as much time as possible with your baby girl...they grow up way too fast!
23 scrapbook pages!!! omigosh! Kuddos to you! Enjoy PRECIOUS time with your baby - cuddle time is the BEST.
. . . I love that first picture of the ice on the berries. Absolutely beautiful handiwork by our CREATOR!
God Bless!
~esthermay @The Heart of a Pastor's Wife
I think that homemade gifts are the best too! They are certainly the ones I cherish the most, AND I know grandparents are gonna love their scrapbooks. Mine always did.
I think it is precious that your hubby gets to snuggle with your baby nightly. My guy is great at loving on our boys too. This week I was reminded of how blessed I am. My sister is a single mom who just delivered her third by herself. While we all love our new baby girl, it was certainly a reminder of how blessed I am to have a husband who loves my kids.
And fudge sounds delicious!
Wow, that picture really makes me feel better about how cold it is here right now! It's supposed to get below zero tonight. BRRRR!That's enough to make me just want to stay inside, snuggly warm with a blanket. : )
I need to get back to knitting and crocheting. My grandmother taught me when I was young. My friend has taken up knitting. I have five just makes sense! It's relaxing, and inexpensive.
I remember a few times when I walked in to find my DH sleeping with one of our babies on his chest in his favorite chair...I felt the same way. But I wouldn't trade the "firsts" and the special mommy moments for anything either. : )
Thanks for sharing! Have a great week and stay warm!
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