The original Christmas Carrot. Originally part of my mobile when I was a baby, "Carroty" eventually found his calling as a Christmas ornament. Always the first ornament on the tree, in a place of honor and surrounded by his friends Christmas Dog (seen here laying down on the tree) and Christmas Whale, he was always our favorite and most sentimental Christmas ornament. Now that Allen and I have both moved to our own homes, Carroty still lives with my parents. He made the trek to NH last year when my parents and Allen came down from Maine to have Christmas at our new house. I think he'll do the same thing this year, but I felt the need to have a little carrot on my own tree. Unfortunately...I'm not sure the carrot I made even compares to the original carroty:

Carroty Jr. is much chubbier than original Carroty. He's also missing the pink cheeks, a nose, and green sprouts on the top. All things I can fix. I think maybe I need to either make a knitted carrot and felt it, or actually make one out of felt. For now, Carroty Jr. will live happily on our tree next to Madelyn's first Christmas ornament.
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