I got up from knitting last night and found everbody zonked out:

Dozie (who really was sleeping and then I woke him up with the flashing camera)
In knitting news...I have a large variety of unfinished items. Three pairs of socks are awaiting mates. I'm making Madelyn a cardigan - the back is finished, and that's it so far. And, as usual, I'm working on "The Blankie":
Each of those squares is about 2" - I have to make like 800 of them to finish the blankie. I'm not joking. 800. I might finish by the time Maddie's a teenager. Maybe. It's all sock yarn and knit on Size 2 needles. Any sock knitters out there who care to part with their leftovers? The squares are little so I'm always looking for new little bits of sock yarn to incorporate. Plus I love that each of the different squares has a different story. The square way on the left (it's cut off in the picture) is from the very first pair of socks I knit - a gift for Baby Owen (he's almost 2 now) and his mom. The stripey blue/red/green/blue/white one is from the second pair I knit - a gift for my Aunt Laura a couple years ago. The blue one was a pair I knit for her for her birthday. And the big purple one and the stripey green/purple/pink one are from yarn that I dyed with some help from Karen when Ben was deployed. There's another bunch that came from my mom, and some that came from swaps I did with people on Ravelry. If you have extra you're willing to part with let me know! I'm always on the lookout for more!!
Maddie and Daddy

Dozie (who really was sleeping and then I woke him up with the flashing camera)

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